No one who reads the contents of the article without reading the title. But a lot of people who just read the title without proceeding to its contents.
Yet one sentence only takes less than 3 minutes. But its function is very ... very important.
Imagine, you are creating content for hours or days. Then the title was made at random, so that only a few are interested in reading. Be unfortunate your efforts.
To avoid such a thing, this time you will learn how to create a title that is able to provoke others to be interested in reading.
There are 10 principles of making a title that you have mastered.
"Why does the title was taken dizzy?"
It said one member of a community of bloggers when I explained about the title.At first glance, it is natural to think that way ... to focus on the content rather than wasting time in one sentence. Yes, right?
Very wrong. Look: On the internet every day there are millions of articles published every day.
Suppose one person every day to get 20 links from the articles their friends via Facebook or Twitter. Do you want to read all?
Impossible. Where there are people who had read 20 articles a day. Most only 2-5, the most interesting.
So how do they know that the article was interesting or not? If you neglect the title, the only part of the content that is able to attract so did not have the strength.
In fact, according to Garrett Moon of CoSchedule, content optimized with proper title will get the number of shares in social media up to 10-fold.
See the chart below. This is the average number of shares of the site BuzzFeed article on the words used in the title.
See the difference in the number of share it. There are words that consistently produces a lot of share, there is also a little.
Thus, the optimization title was not guessing. There are principles that you must understand to make a good title.
Make Titles Tied Readers
Not just interesting or fishing, but rather a title that is able to bind so that they read your content and satisfied with what you get.What is described in this guide does not only apply to the title of the article, it could be for a title of any kind of content such as videos, audio, and others. Even you can exploit to the title of the sales page and landing page.
Here are 10 of these principles.
1. Beware of the common mistakes made
Not distinguishing 'topic' and 'title'. It seems trivial. Melepasmu different topics with the title, elementary school children will understand.But in practice it is not so. This error is most often done by author, topic is directly used as the title of the content.
To be clear what I mean, we look at an example. These topics:
- How to relieve stress
- Job interview tips
- Free to play guitar
- Applications to improve productivity
So, what distinguishes the topics and titles? The topic general, the specific title.
A good title will show that your article is different from the other articles in the same topic. The title will make your article has more value than any other article.
Which is an example of a title:
- 4 things to do this in 30 minutes a day to relieve stress
- 5 Tips for job interview to get the job of your dreams
- Free play guitar for beginners to become proficient in 14 days
- Increase the productivity of your work at the office with this iPhone app 5
Not for much longer. This title has the added value that makes your article more interesting to read. There are words descriptors to upgrade the value of the topic.
See the title of the article you've ever written. Do they use the topic as a title?
2. They want the benefits, given this way
Make one article it takes 3-5 minutes, even more. Then why other people are willing to throw away valuable time to read your writing?Because they want to benefit. They read for information, solutions to problems, entertainment, knowledge, or other benefits. This is why they give up prematurely.
So ... a title that you create should immediately explain the benefits they will get after reading.
By doing so, they would be interested in reading. Suppose there are two articles with titles that are very similar:
- Tips for a good presentation
- presentation tips to make the audience amazed
People who want to learn tips presentation certainly want to make the audience stunned, and we offer these benefits through the title.
Then the second title to be more attractive to them.
Not only that ... from this principle you can also make the article better. These two examples of article titles:
- 5 creative ways to cook instant noodles
- 10 creative ways to cook instant noodles
3. Use numbers, but not any number
A good title is the title specific.What we give, what they get, or in how long they will benefit, these three things can be specific-kan. How, by the numbers.
Technique using the number on the title already long been used by the creators that title more interesting. Just look at the cover of this Southern Beauty:
There are two titles that use numbers. Figures already been proven to increase the number of readers. The problem is, the use of numbers is now very common.
So that the reader is no longer regarded the number as something special. So do not use any numbers.
In order to be even more prominent than other content, there are some variations in the use of the title number that you can use:
- Figures in the middle: The technique of link building - 5 strategies that you can do right now
- Question: 10 of the most delicious chicken soup recipe in Indonesia - which is your favorite?
- Steps: 7 steps to create a presentation that is able to amaze audiences
- Super complete: 54 reasons why you have not been too successful
- Numb is not only beneficial for the title.
Average number of shares per article of listicle just lost infographic.
4. Generate feelings with psychological tricks
If you try to make the title of the ways above, you will feel confused ... what words should be used, what kind of sentence structure.Remember: A good title is a title that can evoke feelings.
But it was not a strange feeling.
Titles that can evoke the right feeling will get 10x the number of shares than those without. Any feeling of being referred to?
- Surprised / wonder / do not believe
- Wondering / curious / curiosity
- Upset / upset / worried
- Sure / bound / right
- Empathy
Empathy: a condition in which a person is able to understand and feel what is perceived by others. Usually because someone also had been through the same thing.That's 4 feeling that can make other people tied to your article.
Because it is difficult to explain how to evoke these feelings, then I would immediately give examples of each feeling. The sequence corresponding number above:
- Mother of 2 children lost weight 24 kg in just 60 days!
- Ibu Ani do 10 this for 30 minutes a day, see the results 60 days later
- Already diet but the weight has not come down? Maybe you do 10 errors
- 10 The quickest way that has been scientifically proven to lose weight
- 10 Tips diet that does not drain energy for postpartum women
By knowing the feeling of what we were after, we can easily determine the words and structures that we use in the title.
After this, never again use Recent Best Complete.
5. What is the best way to make the reader feel involved?
By asking questions.When readers are faced with a question, they will unconsciously begin to imagine the situation in their heads.
After that, immediately caught their attention. There are two effects of using the question in the title:
- Build curiosity
- Creating a sense of certainty that their problems will be missed
- Is your computer infected with the virus show symptoms of the following?
- Your blog is still empty? Perhaps 3 it causes
- Do you still do the 10 high-risk diet this technique?
First, do not use the title of a question that the answer is definitely 'no'. Your objective is to get them to say 'yes' or wonder.
Second, use the question really becomes their problem. Do not create himself a strange question.
Oh yes, one more ... Do not use the title in the form of a question at all of the content in your website. Will look strange.
6. Steal idea of the title is already proving popular
So far, more complicated huh?Moreover, if inexperienced, will take a long time to make interesting titles. And that's not necessarily be successful.
Fortunately, there is a more practical solution. We will try to steal the idea of content already proven to be popular.
By doing so, the process of making the title would be so much easier.
But be careful: Although I say "steal", you should sharpen his own creativity to make the title more interesting. Do not just copy-paste.
The first step, open BuzzSumo.
Write your article topic. The result is like this:
BuzzSumo featuring content that get the largest number of shares. This means that the titles are already proven.
From here you can get inspired.
7. There is a strategic position to place the topic in the title
As already mentioned, the topic title = + said garnish.So in a title there must be a topic. For example the topic 'tips to lose weight', the title will contain these words ... plus trimmings.
Well, but where we put the topic? Front? Middle? Back?
Whenever possible, avoid the middle.
This is because we, human beings, just focus on the front and back only. The middle "fuzzy". Like this:
- 10 Things you can try to tell the boss to earn extra salary
- 50 most fatal accident that occurred on the highway due to the use of cell phones when driving
If there are no words strong (power words), which is able to attract the attention of more than a topic, place the word at the beginning or end.
Even more importantly, the structure should be read comfortably. Useless utilize these tips if in the end the title so you can not read.
8. Write a title that is specific for one target audience
Every time you create content, we should have one type of target readers. People who would need the information.For example the article you are reading this ... the main targets were the author of the website content.
Although elementary school / junior high / high school / etc. also may require science to write the title, but the content of this article is basically not made for them.
Why? Because if I put more than one target, the contents can not detail. It was like this:
Michael feel a disturbance in the heart. Is Michael going to go to a general practitioner, or to a heart specialist?
The specialist, for sure. So he can get a more accurate diagnosis and reliable.
From these cases we can conclude one thing, specific information is much more interesting than the general.
Example: We will make the article a collection of the best smartphone. Here are some titles that are specific to a particular target audience.
- 10 Best Smartphones just under $ 5 million
- 10 Best Smartphone for you who like selfie
- 10 Best Smartphones with the longest battery life
- Not a true backpacker if you have never been to this tourist destination 10
- Free traveling to Singapore with a budget below 2 million
- 10 romantic travel destination in Europe for you and him
9. ultimate weapon: the agreement, convenience, and comfort
Readers want to read your item is not as sorry for you, not because they want to be your friend.They read because they want a better life. They want to improve their quality of life.
For example, people who read the article 'how to get rid of pimples' means they feel by eliminating acne then his life will be a little better.
People who read the article 'how to swim' feel by being able to swim the quality of life increases.
But this time they could not achieve his wish, because of certain barriers. That's right, right?
This is what will you give. We will show that the content we can provide solutions that are easier and more convenient to follow.
How, can:
- Promising desirable things without abomination
- Promising something to be desired with a specific duration
- Promising something to be desired with a specific outcome
- Tips to successfully sell the product without having to meet with buyers
- Strategies to develop an online business in 30 days
- How to increase your monthly income up 72%
- Increase website visitors up to 319% in 60 days without spending a dime
- Because it is so easy to implement, use these tips number 9 if you are confused when they want to use these tips numbers 2-8.
10. Always make at least 5 titles for issuing creativity
In the end, the process of making a title that relies on creativity. The more creative, the better.But creativity that can only come when we've got a lot of experience. Hardly anyone could create something good in all experiments.
Therefore, create a lot of titles at once, so that our brain is squeezed like laundry.
The first title, stiff ... second title, the usual ... a third title, boring ... the fourth title, pretty good ... a fifth title, the better ... and so on.
At first glance the story:
I am familiar with some professional copywriter, people whose work writing titles + ad content and sales. They MUST be able to create posts that bind others.
Those professionals have also written more than 10 variations. Then from 10 earlier selected some of the best to do further testing.
This is because writing plays a very important.
The principle which titles you use?
There are 8 + 2 principle to create titles that you have read.Certainly not all of them can be used for any type of content. There are topics that could use the tips A, B, C. There is also a topic that can only be used tips C, D, E. Depends.
Since you are reading this article until the end, of course, you're creating content.
Which titles you will use in the content? Write via the comments below.
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