
Research Niche and Keyword with Low Competition

Find Non-competitive Keyword
Searching for keywords with low competition is very important for any type of website, blog, online store, businesses, and others, especially for the newer ones.

But finding the niche and keywords is like looking for a needle in a haystack, difficult and time consuming if we do not understand how. Here are the steps you can take to get those keywords.

Before you begin, here are some preliminary information.

Do not be satisfied with little!

Circa 2010-2012, find keywords with low competition is not difficult.

Even after finding 1-2 keyword to search 1000-2000 / month we can create 1 website that earns $ 10 / day in less than 3 months.

Now it's different.

All you have to do now is create websites that contain content in a variety of keywords. Make a large scale website which contains a wide range of related keywords.

This is because Google requires a website that is rich with information.

In this guide we will look for one of the non-competitive niche and building a website based on the niche, and then from there we just look for many keywords derivatives.

So there are two things you will learn. Finding a non-competitive niche and find keywords that are also non-competitive.

Now create a website earning $ 10 / day may be more difficult, but to create a website berpengasilan $ 100 / day is easier than the first.

A profitable niche for AdSense?

Many are asking me, what is the niche that is most advantageous to AdSense?

The answer, all profitable niche! (For AdSense)

If you are an affiliate marketer, keyword and niche greatly affect the chances of visitors to purchase.

But for the publisher advertising, all about the same niche. I did not say 100% the same, but now the difference is not significant anymore.

Ads that appear on websites now almost nothing to do with the topic of the website.

Since Google implement interest-based ads and remarketing, the ads that appear on each computer vary depending on user interest data collected by certain aloritma.

So usually every Google account will get different ads depending on website what he frequently visited.

If you are targeting high CPC, better country than to seek nichenya.

Now let's get into the main steps.

1. Finding a niche

If you want to create a new website would first look for is the niche of your website candidate. But if you already have a website and just want to find keywords, please skip to the next step.

The basic concept of looking for a niche that is by browsing various things at once until you find a niche that is interesting or you feel fit. The term, brainstorming.

Here are some of the means by which you can use to find a niche.

Do not bound by language, even though you create a website in Indonesian, you can use the English-language media to find a niche.

1. StumbleUpon

StumbleUpon is a website where we can find random websites by category. As social media, StumbleUpon is not very popular, but we can use this site to find a niche idea.

Register yourself on StumbleUpon, then select 'Interest' you want. After that you can browse the website randomly from there.

There are more than 500 interest in this website. Select a few that appeal to you then follow.

Then click on the red button 'Stumble' and you will be taken to the website randomly within the category you selected earlier.

2. Amazon and eBay

As e-commerce sites, Amazon and eBay are warehouse niche for those who want to create a website affiliate.

You can find a niche by way of browsing a variety of products sold on Amazon and eBay. Because the product is separated neatly into different categories and can be sorted by popularity, browsing the finished product is not difficult.
niche from amazon
Click on one of the existing categories from the menu. Then check out the sidebar on the left to get into the category of deeper water.

Avoid the use of brand / trademark as a niche. Suppose if you choose this product:
niche example
Deglon then you are not a niche, but a Knife Set or Kitchen Set (more common). So do not see the brand but the function of the product.

3. TV, books, magazines, newspapers

Often when I read the print media and watch TV, accidentally discovered the potential niche.

Indeed, the best niches are usually discovered by accident or because of the niche it has become our default or expertise.

So do not be frustrated if when you deliberately seek niche but found nothing interesting.
  • Generally uncompetitive niche has nothing to do with technology and the Internet. So it is likely that you will find this niche is not on the internet.
  • Avoid niche that has become too common unless you are indeed an expert or enthusiast, used to be in the category of health, fitness, weight loss, business, finance, insurance, technology, etc.
  • Profitable niche is a niche where people are willing to spend money to buy something in the niche.

2. Dig a Keyword

After finding nichenya, the next step is to dig a keyword. Here are the tools you can use to dig keyword:
  1. Google Keyword Planner
  2. SEMRush
  3. LongTailPro
Tools like SEMRush and Long Tail Pro is able to facilitate the process of keyword research, but Google Keyword Planner is enough if you do not want to shell out the cost.

The purpose of keyword research here is to find keywords derived what can you targeted for your website, and how many potential searches per month on these keywords.

Bottom line, enter the niche you found just now to GKP, will then come out a list of keywords that you will use on your website later.

A great keyword usually has a high search volume and competition is high (medium-high). Competition here means many AdWords advertisers, in other words, the keyword is profitable.

Your work is not done here, then we need to do a competitive analysis.

3. Analysis of the level of difficulty

Keyword volume is high and competition is high on his ads is not necessarily good, because it could be competition in the search results with other websites is very high.

To analyze the level of difficulty, do a search on Google with the keywords you find just now.

In general, I advise to avoid competition with the big sites.

When viewed at a glance, keyword search results are filled with large sites, Amazon and other e-commerce sites are usually difficult to be bypassed.
As a baseline to speed up the process, you can use these guidelines.
  • If the first page filled with large ecommerce websites including Amazon and eBay, avoid this keyword. It is hard to bypass them and this keyword is governed by Google so that just shows the buying and selling sites.
  • Conversely, if it turns out on pages 1 and 2 is filled with forums, Q & A sites (Yahoo Answers, Quora), eHow, WikiHow, and small blogs that also targeted those keywords, keyword usually is not difficult.
 If the search results do not show one result of the tips above, or if you are still hesitant to do further analysis.

With SEMRush, LongTailPro, and other similar tools, you can find out the competition with a single click. If you do not use these tools, then you should do a search on Google for each keyword manually.

First install a browser extension (Choose one) for the following:

  1. MozBar (more)
  2. SEOQuake (more complete data)
After that, do a search on Google with the keywords that you have found. Here's an example with the help MozBar.
research keyword
Judging from the numbers PA (Page Authority) and DA (Domain Authority) turns out there are some under 20, so perhaps this keyword competition is easy.

I say probably because competition is relatively according to each person.

In addition based on the numbers, check out directly by visiting websites that exist on the first page.


After analyzing the competition, you are determining whether this keyword is easy or difficult. If you feel able to make a better website than they, meaning this keyword is included easy.

When it has found a niche that fits, do keyword research and find at least 5 major topic keyword is different.

From the main keyword is found again keyword derivatives.

Techniques Build Strong Website Structure with Internal Link

build internal link
Internal link has the same effect with external links (backlinks). The difference, the website owner can control 100% the number, location, and structure.

Build internal links mean building a website structure. And to build a strong structure not enough just to rely on 'related posts' and a link in the navigation menu. There are techniques that your website is more robust.

About internal link

So that no misunderstanding, I first briefly explain your understanding.

Internal links are links that lead from one page to another page on the same website. While external links or backlinks come from outside the website.

There are three main goals of the links in the website:
  1. Facilitate navigation visitors
  2. Form the structure of the website
  3. Distributing authority to another page of the website
So, if there is one on your website pages that have high authority (for backlink) you can distribute his powers to another page. This is the importance of internal links.

The structure of a good website

One of its functions is to shape the structure of the website. The reason is because pages that get a lot of internal links will be considered as the principal pages by search engines.

In the off-page SEO guide I explain the importance of links, internal links are also included.

Here is an example of a good website structure (simplified):
internal link
Each circle represents one page of the website and the lines show the link. The bigger the circle, the greater the authority of the page (because the link is a lot).

Such a structure is good because it indicated clearly where the main content and the contents are linked and support the primary content. Thanks to this, visitors and the search engines can easily explore the site.

Main content

Intentionally or accidentally, your website must have had some of the main content.

The main content is typically weigh its contents, the manufacturing process the longest, and you feel most proud of the contents.

If you do not feel they have the main content. Check your Analytics and see which pages are the most visited homepage. Make these pages as the main page. Enhance and develop the contents.

Furthermore, other contents that you create after this good is a derivative, further explanation, or the side of the main content that can be linked back to the internal links.

The main contents of this will have a high chance to appear on Google's site links.

Tips on building internal links

Here are ways you can do to build internal links manually without the benefit of any plugin to create a good structure.

1. Insert the content

Best form of link is located in between phrases in the content. First, because it looks natural. Second, visitors are more interested to click. Third, rich with keywords.

A link to a particular page maximal appear once so as not to disturb the reader. Better post a link to a different page 2-3 in one article rather than 2-3 to the same page.

2. Use anchor text

Just as backlinks, anchor text used to link to any internal links. Do not use generic phrases such as "click here", "this page", etc. for internal links unless they are forced.

Do not also use phrases that are optimized. Insert into a natural sentence that sentence remains readable but still describe your link.

3. Avoid links to the pages below

Do not put a link to the homepage of the content because it has a lot of links on your website that led homepage. Do not also put a link to the page itself, it's useless.

Other pages that do not need to search engine optimization like contact, about, and regulations also do not need to be linked.

4. Connect the only relevant pages

Internal links that you post should be similar to a page on the topic. For example page 1 stubs fried tofu recipe, page 2 stubs fried tempeh recipe, page 3 stubs motorcycle.

You can only link pages 1 and 2, but do not ever connect page 3 with 1 and 2.

5. Dofollow

Be careful not to put rel = "nofollow" to all links in your pages. Link nofollow deemed not distribute authority page to another, so it would be useless in SEO.

6. Do not disturb the comfort

Anything that you do on your website should not interfere with the convenience of readers, including internal links.

That is, do not put too many links and do not install the links are not relevant.

How much does too much of it? Depending on the length of your article.

7. Limit the number of site-wide link

Site-wide links are links that appear on all pages of your website, for example, a link in the navigation header, sidebar, and footer. Links that most will not have a positive impact, it causes you to be less good structure and make visitors disturbed.

Done !

This is the technique of building internal links manually to get a good structure. In the process of website creation, whatever is done manually usually give better results than the completely automatic.

Please leave a comment or toward this SEO guide if you want to learn more.

10 Principles of Creating Content Capable of Binding Title Readers Attention

how to write title
What was the first time just now you see before you start reading this article? Definitely the title!

No one who reads the contents of the article without reading the title. But a lot of people who just read the title without proceeding to its contents.

Yet one sentence only takes less than 3 minutes. But its function is very ... very important.

Imagine, you are creating content for hours or days. Then the title was made at random, so that only a few are interested in reading. Be unfortunate your efforts.

To avoid such a thing, this time you will learn how to create a title that is able to provoke others to be interested in reading.

There are 10 principles of making a title that you have mastered.

"Why does the title was taken dizzy?"

It said one member of a community of bloggers when I explained about the title.

At first glance, it is natural to think that way ... to focus on the content rather than wasting time in one sentence. Yes, right?

Very wrong. Look: On the internet every day there are millions of articles published every day.

Suppose one person every day to get 20 links from the articles their friends via Facebook or Twitter. Do you want to read all?

Impossible. Where there are people who had read 20 articles a day. Most only 2-5, the most interesting.

So how do they know that the article was interesting or not? If you neglect the title, the only part of the content that is able to attract so did not have the strength.

In fact, according to Garrett Moon of CoSchedule, content optimized with proper title will get the number of shares in social media up to 10-fold.

See the chart below. This is the average number of shares of the site BuzzFeed article on the words used in the title.
write title guide
See the difference in the number of share it. There are words that consistently produces a lot of share, there is also a little.

Thus, the optimization title was not guessing. There are principles that you must understand to make a good title.

Make Titles Tied Readers

Not just interesting or fishing, but rather a title that is able to bind so that they read your content and satisfied with what you get.

What is described in this guide does not only apply to the title of the article, it could be for a title of any kind of content such as videos, audio, and others. Even you can exploit to the title of the sales page and landing page.

Here are 10 of these principles.

1. Beware of the common mistakes made

Not distinguishing 'topic' and 'title'. It seems trivial. Melepasmu different topics with the title, elementary school children will understand.

But in practice it is not so. This error is most often done by author, topic is directly used as the title of the content.

To be clear what I mean, we look at an example. These topics:
  1. How to relieve stress
  2. Job interview tips
  3. Free to play guitar
  4. Applications to improve productivity
You'll often see people who write a headline like this. Though the four examples should not be used as the title proper.

So, what distinguishes the topics and titles? The topic general, the specific title.

A good title will show that your article is different from the other articles in the same topic. The title will make your article has more value than any other article.

Which is an example of a title:
  1. 4 things to do this in 30 minutes a day to relieve stress
  2. 5 Tips for job interview to get the job of your dreams
  3. Free play guitar for beginners to become proficient in 14 days
  4. Increase the productivity of your work at the office with this iPhone app 5
Now look back four examples of topics earlier. Compare the number 1 on the topic with the number 1 on the title, and so on. See the difference right?

Not for much longer. This title has the added value that makes your article more interesting to read. There are words descriptors to upgrade the value of the topic.

See the title of the article you've ever written. Do they use the topic as a title?

2. They want the benefits, given this way

Make one article it takes 3-5 minutes, even more. Then why other people are willing to throw away valuable time to read your writing?

Because they want to benefit. They read for information, solutions to problems, entertainment, knowledge, or other benefits. This is why they give up prematurely.

So ... a title that you create should immediately explain the benefits they will get after reading.

By doing so, they would be interested in reading. Suppose there are two articles with titles that are very similar:
  • Tips for a good presentation
  • presentation tips to make the audience amazed
In the first sentence, "good" is abstract, it is not clear what they will get. While the second sentence obvious benefits.

People who want to learn tips presentation certainly want to make the audience stunned, and we offer these benefits through the title.

Then the second title to be more attractive to them.

Not only that ... from this principle you can also make the article better. These two examples of article titles:
  • 5 creative ways to cook instant noodles
  • 10 creative ways to cook instant noodles
Humans want the maximum benefit in the shortest possible time. If there is one article which provides 2X benefits than any other article, for sure we will choose the article. Once read, a lot more information.

3. Use numbers, but not any number

A good title is the title specific.

What we give, what they get, or in how long they will benefit, these three things can be specific-kan. How, by the numbers.

Technique using the number on the title already long been used by the creators that title more interesting. Just look at the cover of this Southern Beauty:
write title
There are two titles that use numbers. Figures already been proven to increase the number of readers. The problem is, the use of numbers is now very common.

So that the reader is no longer regarded the number as something special. So do not use any numbers.

In order to be even more prominent than other content, there are some variations in the use of the title number that you can use:
  1. Figures in the middle: The technique of link building - 5 strategies that you can do right now
  2. Question: 10 of the most delicious chicken soup recipe in Indonesia - which is your favorite?
  3. Steps: 7 steps to create a presentation that is able to amaze audiences
  4. Super complete: 54 reasons why you have not been too successful
  5. Numb is not only beneficial for the title.
There are the types of articles that fully depend on the numbers - the term 'listicle', articles in a list / register. Listicle is a kind of popular articles than others:
listicle shared
Average number of shares per article of listicle just lost infographic.

4. Generate feelings with psychological tricks

If you try to make the title of the ways above, you will feel confused ... what words should be used, what kind of sentence structure.

Remember: A good title is a title that can evoke feelings.

But it was not a strange feeling.

Titles that can evoke the right feeling will get 10x the number of shares than those without. Any feeling of being referred to?
  1. Surprised / wonder / do not believe
  2. Wondering / curious / curiosity
  3. Upset / upset / worried
  4. Sure / bound / right
  5. Empathy
Empathy: a condition in which a person is able to understand and feel what is perceived by others. Usually because someone also had been through the same thing.
That's 4 feeling that can make other people tied to your article.

Because it is difficult to explain how to evoke these feelings, then I would immediately give examples of each feeling. The sequence corresponding number above:
  1. Mother of 2 children lost weight 24 kg in just 60 days!
  2. Ibu Ani do 10 this for 30 minutes a day, see the results 60 days later
  3. Already diet but the weight has not come down? Maybe you do 10 errors
  4. 10 The quickest way that has been scientifically proven to lose weight
  5. 10 Tips diet that does not drain energy for postpartum women
Something like that…

By knowing the feeling of what we were after, we can easily determine the words and structures that we use in the title.

After this, never again use Recent Best Complete.

5. What is the best way to make the reader feel involved?

By asking questions.

When readers are faced with a question, they will unconsciously begin to imagine the situation in their heads.

After that, immediately caught their attention. There are two effects of using the question in the title:
  1. Build curiosity
  2. Creating a sense of certainty that their problems will be missed
Indirectly, the titles in the format of questions can also evoke a feeling like the tips number 4 above. Some examples of its use:
  1. Is your computer infected with the virus show symptoms of the following?
  2. Your blog is still empty? Perhaps 3 it causes
  3. Do you still do the 10 high-risk diet this technique?
Although very effective, but be careful in using the tips of questions. There are two common mistakes.

First, do not use the title of a question that the answer is definitely 'no'. Your objective is to get them to say 'yes' or wonder.

Second, use the question really becomes their problem. Do not create himself a strange question.

Oh yes, one more ... Do not use the title in the form of a question at all of the content in your website. Will look strange.

6. Steal idea of the title is already proving popular

So far, more complicated huh?

Moreover, if inexperienced, will take a long time to make interesting titles. And that's not necessarily be successful.

Fortunately, there is a more practical solution. We will try to steal the idea of content already proven to be popular.

By doing so, the process of making the title would be so much easier.

But be careful: Although I say "steal", you should sharpen his own creativity to make the title more interesting. Do not just copy-paste.

The first step, open BuzzSumo.

Write your article topic. The result is like this:
popular titles
BuzzSumo featuring content that get the largest number of shares. This means that the titles are already proven.

From here you can get inspired.

7. There is a strategic position to place the topic in the title

As already mentioned, the topic title = + said garnish.

So in a title there must be a topic. For example the topic 'tips to lose weight', the title will contain these words ... plus trimmings.

Well, but where we put the topic? Front? Middle? Back?

Whenever possible, avoid the middle.

This is because we, human beings, just focus on the front and back only. The middle "fuzzy". Like this:
  1. 10 Things you can try to tell the boss to earn extra salary
  2. 50 most fatal accident that occurred on the highway due to the use of cell phones when driving
I said before the position for the topic, but it's not necessarily the topic.

If there are no words strong (power words), which is able to attract the attention of more than a topic, place the word at the beginning or end.

Even more importantly, the structure should be read comfortably. Useless utilize these tips if in the end the title so you can not read.

8. Write a title that is specific for one target audience

Every time you create content, we should have one type of target readers. People who would need the information.

For example the article you are reading this ... the main targets were the author of the website content.

Although elementary school / junior high / high school / etc. also may require science to write the title, but the content of this article is basically not made for them.

Why? Because if I put more than one target, the contents can not detail. It was like this:

Michael feel a disturbance in the heart. Is Michael going to go to a general practitioner, or to a heart specialist?

The specialist, for sure. So he can get a more accurate diagnosis and reliable.

From these cases we can conclude one thing, specific information is much more interesting than the general.

Example: We will make the article a collection of the best smartphone. Here are some titles that are specific to a particular target audience.
  • 10 Best Smartphones just under $ 5 million
  • 10 Best Smartphone for you who like selfie
  • 10 Best Smartphones with the longest battery life
Another. Articles on tourist attractions.
  • Not a true backpacker if you have never been to this tourist destination 10
  • Free traveling to Singapore with a budget below 2 million
  • 10 romantic travel destination in Europe for you and him

9. ultimate weapon: the agreement, convenience, and comfort

Readers want to read your item is not as sorry for you, not because they want to be your friend.

They read because they want a better life. They want to improve their quality of life.

For example, people who read the article 'how to get rid of pimples' means they feel by eliminating acne then his life will be a little better.

People who read the article 'how to swim' feel by being able to swim the quality of life increases.

But this time they could not achieve his wish, because of certain barriers. That's right, right?

This is what will you give. We will show that the content we can provide solutions that are easier and more convenient to follow.

How, can:
  1. Promising desirable things without abomination
  2. Promising something to be desired with a specific duration
  3. Promising something to be desired with a specific outcome
Examples of its application respectively:
  1. Tips to successfully sell the product without having to meet with buyers
  2. Strategies to develop an online business in 30 days
  3. How to increase your monthly income up 72%
Even more cool again, all three can we merge into one title:
  1. Increase website visitors up to 319% in 60 days without spending a dime
  2. Because it is so easy to implement, use these tips number 9 if you are confused when they want to use these tips numbers 2-8.

10. Always make at least 5 titles for issuing creativity

In the end, the process of making a title that relies on creativity. The more creative, the better.

But creativity that can only come when we've got a lot of experience. Hardly anyone could create something good in all experiments.

Therefore, create a lot of titles at once, so that our brain is squeezed like laundry.

The first title, stiff ... second title, the usual ... a third title, boring ... the fourth title, pretty good ... a fifth title, the better ... and so on.

At first glance the story:

I am familiar with some professional copywriter, people whose work writing titles + ad content and sales. They MUST be able to create posts that bind others.

Those professionals have also written more than 10 variations. Then from 10 earlier selected some of the best to do further testing.

This is because writing plays a very important.

The principle which titles you use?

There are 8 + 2 principle to create titles that you have read.

Certainly not all of them can be used for any type of content. There are topics that could use the tips A, B, C. There is also a topic that can only be used tips C, D, E. Depends.

Since you are reading this article until the end, of course, you're creating content.

Which titles you will use in the content? Write via the comments below.

What is Inbound Marketing ?

Inbound Marketing
Inbound marketing is becoming known in 2006 and the increasingly popular all-digital era.

Traditional marketing or outbound marketing is increasingly ineffective and disturbing consumer. Advertising on TV, newspapers, magazines, emails, and other media are often not desirable so that more and more consumers who ignore marketing model like this.

Seeing this problem, inbound marketing is becoming the most effective solution. What's inbound marketing?

Differences Outbound and Inbound

Outbound marketing or traditional marketing has a huge drawback. A marketer "disturbing" activities of potential customers with ads, email, phone even without paying attention to their comfort.

Outbound marketing

Outbound marketing techniques to reach potential customers carried out (outbound). Some media are popular among them are advertising, mail, email, and telephone.

There are 3 major weakness in outbound marketing:

First, we blindly targeting all those who have not even ready to be a consumer.

Secondly, not a few people who feel disturbed by the process so that it can be bad.

Third, using the media earlier marketing requires a very large cost.

Inbound marketing

Techniques 'marketing comes' is 180 degrees opposite to the traditional one.

Instead of reaching out to the outside, instead inbound techniques in order to lure potential customers with pleasure "enterance". Let's see sense:
Inbound marketing is a modern marketing strategy in which we sought to prospective customers who are interested to look for us. This is done by providing content that is able to attract attention and encourage them to become customers.

Inbound marketing is focused on providing quality content that is useful for prospective customers.

By providing the content, potential customers will be interested on benefits. This process occurs naturally without disrupting the activity. In the end, these people have a very high possibility to become permanent customers.

Inbound marketing in line with technology in the digital age because it can be done by utilizing the tools and techniques such as Blog, Social Media, Search Engine Marketing, Content Marketing, Email Marketing, and others.

Not to mention the viewing habits of today's consumers who use the Internet and search engines to get information. This is the cause of inbound marketing is becoming very popular.

Compared with traditional marketing, this technique is more effective, scalable, and cost effective.

Inbound Marketing Methodology

Locks of inbound marketing lies in its methodology. According to HubSpot, there are four stages in inbound marketing to transform strangers not only the customers but the promoters.
Inbound Marketing Methodology

1. Attract

People who do not know us at this time is referred to as strangers, they do not know who we are and what we do or offer.

In traditional marketing, the attractions do with advertising. But in inbound marketing we can attract potential customers without disturbing them by using the following media:
  • Blog
  • Social media
  • SEO & SEM
By providing the right content in the blog then utilize social media and SEO techniques to market the content, people will be interested to go to our website and be a visitor.

The first stage is very important, even the most vital. Therefore, it is important for all kinds of businesses that want to take advantage of inbound techniques to create content that is useful for others.

2. Convert

Getting the visitor's just not provide any benefit. Now since we have gained the attention of potential clients, time to turn them into clients. How to get their contact information, email address.

To convert visitors to get their email, is what must be provided:
  • Landing page
  • Call to action
  • Form (registration form)
In marketing in the digital age, email prospective clients very, very valuable. By getting their email, this is the first step to building relationships and trust.

3. Close

After getting the ignition, you can do now is make the sale. You've got contacts of people who are attracted to you, contact that you get more of this you can convince them.

This is the way and the media that can be used to make the sale:
  • E-mail. For prospective clients who are not ready to use your service, send some emails to further increase their confidence. This email should still provide benefits.
  • Marketing Automation. Email process can be done automatically with the help of tools such as email marketing autoresponder.

4. Delight

When a person has become your clients, it does not mean the process is complete. They were happy and satisfied with the service you will provide input could be useful or even promote your services to others.


This is a marketing technique in the modern era that does not interfere with other people, but instead benefits.

The essence of inbound marketing is to make yourself easy and interesting to be discovered by others. With this technique, you can transform a website into an incredible marketing machine.