
Create Superior Content that Can to Get Quality Backlinks and Rank 1 in Search Engine

Get Quality Backlinks
This is the most common misunderstanding in SEO: Many think they can get ranked first by relying backlinks from blog comments, social bookmarking, article directory, and the like.

Questions like these often arise from the owner of the website: "I've blogwalking, submit to social bookmarking, but why not first rank?"

Yes because the benefits are very small. Worse yet, if you are submitting too many (hundreds / thousands) instead of our website will be a penalty.

Huh. Not so rank one but instead chastened. Then backlink as what can make our website ranked 1st without penalized?

This is the answer: Backlink given by other website owners.

Up here was getting confused, pessimistic, "Where there are still other website owners who want to give a backlink to my website?"

That is the purpose of this guide. You'll learn the concept of 'featured content' that can get quality backlinks naturally. So it is safe from the penalty and can get a rating of 1.

Why is it difficult to get backlinks?

Let's first surgery: The reason for your item misplaced.

I'll explain ... for example you have a website about dieting. Visitors are people who want to learn diet.

The problem is, 99% of them do not have a website. People who do not have a website will not be able to provide a backlink. Although maybe they think you are a good website.

Make sense? Well, who has a website on a diet as you can have knowledge above the average. They will think you are mediocre content.
get quality backlink
This is what I mean by wrong target.

We used to create content just to satisfy the casual visitor, people are just learning, and who do not have a website. They assured us they were able to provide a backlink (website owner) is not impressed.

And if we want to create content that can get backlinks naturally, we should be able to make the owners of websites or other bloggers impressed.
get quality backlink
Concept featured content is, content is incredible. Content that is able to make the web owner or blogger put the link on their web pages. Resulting in a backlink for you.
Quality content is not enough, we need to get backlinks featured content

What can make the linkers provide a backlink?

We already know why we did not get a backlink. Now we dig about what can make us content to get backlinks.

The first, obviously, the content should make the linker awe. But there's more. In general, the linker will recommend your article if:
  • Topics are explained more to a concept they write on its own website
  • Much higher quality than the entire content never existed. So it takes precedence over any other similar content
  • Discuss their contents, or they participate
  • Such content can be beneficial to their audience
  • You are familiar with them
  • Your content contains Elements Trigger Popularity (coming son)
Not have to meet all of them, but more is better. Now the big question ... how do I create featured content?

Step 1 - Find the linker in your field

If your website in the field of technology, look linker in technology. Do not look for the different fields, they will not care. So this is our strategy:
  1.      Find the linker, see the content they like what
  2.      Create content that is much nicer
  3.      Establish a relationship with them
  4.      Backlink!
Okay, this too I simplify, but roughly that was the reason why we need to find the linker.

Earlier we discussed the notion and who linker that, but in fact it could be described again. This is including the linker:
  1.      Blogger
  2.      Authors of articles on other websites
  3.      Journalist, author news
  4.      Celebrity Twitter (people who have a lot of followers)
They are the people who are able to provide a link to your content or to share to people in social media. To find linker that suits you as much as possible, do the following 4 ways.

Do a search on Google

Doing a search on Google for the keywords:
  • Blogger [niche] in New York
  • Blog [niche] Articles
  • [niche] best
For example, your website is about fashion, then use the keyword "fashion blogger New York". You'll find something like this:
best fashion blogger

Community websites, social media, and social bookmarking

Bloggers are smart know that the three types of the site is a gold mine to develop the website.

Therefore you will meet many new blog owners. The new Blogger is also usually more open when invited to communicate. You can also learn together. The following community that you can try:
  • Facebook Groups
  • Google+ Communities
  • Forum

Search Twitter account that has many followers

Use a free tool called Followerwonk. This tool is useful for finding popular Twitter accounts based on keywords. In one click we can find the celebrity Twitter.

Click "Search bios" and then do a search like the picture:
followerwonk guide

Find websites that link to linker

People who already find on the top must have had some backlinks. We will be looking for people who put up this link. Thus we list the greater.

First, go to Open Site Explorer. Or use Ahrefs if you have a premium account it, even better. Enter the website that you have found.
open site explorer
Change at the Link Type to 'only follow' (yellow box).

This is websites which link to the linker. Which means, they also are linker.
After doing these four steps, record everything in Google Sheets or Excel. Ignore the website that has not been updated for a year.

Step 2 - Brainstorm content that appeals to them

Try to imagine this case: I have a content entitled "17 ways to eliminate acne," what may be the linker recommend this article on their website?

Not possible .. For those readers who need, the article was very useful. But for a linker, this article is not enough to impress them.

In addition, doing well post a link to the article acne. Yes, right? That is the importance of the topic. Although it is incredible, but if the topic is wrong then there will not be recommending the content.

First understand the intention of the sentences above. Choosing the topic is complicated. But fortunately, there is a method that we can use to get an idea of topics.

His name STEPPS. Your topic must be one of these STEPPS:
  1. Social currency: could make them proud of their identity
  2. Triggers: immediately thought of when someone talks about something
  3. Emotion: can evoke feelings
  4. Public: a popular topic or trending
  5. Practical value: the contents of the subject can be practiced
  6. Story: the story of a person or event associated with them
When you're looking for ideas for topics featured content, make sure the topic is fulfilling one of 6 of these conditions.

How to get an idea of topics

You already know how to examine the topic, with Stepps earlier. Next we will learn how to find ideas for your topic featured content. Here are a few ways that you can try:
  1. See the website belonging to the linker. Create a similar topic or content related to what they've written, but the weight should be higher.
  2. Community sites. Discover the major problems most often encountered by members of the community, create content to solve their problems.
  3. Do a search on Google by entering the main topic to get more specific topics.
  4. Use BuzzSumo or Ahrefs Content Explorer to view the contents best in a particular topic.
  5. Follow the process of getting the idea of writing on WhattoWrite.org.
  6. Read this guide to search for content topics (coming soon).
Once you can idea, make sure it meets one of STEPPS.
Remember, the choice of topics is the most important part of the featured content. Therefore, do not underestimate this stage. I personally have always had a pitcher as much as possible topic ideas, everything I noted in Trello :
topic content

"My website niche too cramped. No linker and topics that fit this niche! "

Take advantage of niche neighbors.

That is, it's scaffolding in the construction industry. In the construction industry, there are many websites with the topic of home, architecture, civil, and others. Niche neighbor that we can use.

Another example, you have a business selling cosmetics and want to get traffic by creating a featured content. However, in Indonesia rarely (or no) blog about cosmetics.

You can create content that cross between cosmetics with another niche. Consider the following example:
  • Cosmetics & Fashion: cosmetics suitable for certain types of fashion
  • Cosmetics & Wedding: makeup techniques for wedding
  • Cosmetics & Health: cosmetic effect on skin health
  • Cosmetics & Career: makeup tips when interviewing job
  • Cosmetics & Travel: Tips carry cosmetics in moderation when on holiday
With this, a narrow niche can touch a variety of other larger niche. So the more linker that is relevant to you.

Last Stage 2: In content creation, which you should not miss at all is its title. Useless good topic, but the title is not interesting.

When finished reading, continue to create titles guide.

Step 3 - research to create content that weighs

Creating content is easy, but to create superior quality content in order to get backlinks, you should do some research.

Rarely quality Koten whose content directly out of the head with it. If you make this kind of content, the results are so banal and messy. Certainly.

So, please miss this step if you want the content to no avail.
There is one of the most common mistakes, if you make this mistake, your content will never get a backlink, let alone go to page 1 of Google.

This is it his fault: Imitating the article content from other websites.

No, not copy-paste duplicate content. Rewritten article ... but the points of discussion exactly the same as the original article or simply randomized order.

Google finally does not consider this as a duplicate, but we as people realize that the article is just rewritten. There is no new information in it.

NEVER do such errors.

In the featured content, we have to make the linker amazed with our content. If the points are not the contents of your article is unique and original, it is impossible this goal is achieved.

Create content that is truly original, not rewrite. Collect the writing of research materials, then collated into a new article.

Step 4 - Create the best content of the materials research

I am sure, if you create content that really quality certainly is not enough in a day. Need process.

If only writing articles inconsequential anyway 2000-3000 words a day is finished. But because of the superior content creation we do research and make its structure, it will take at least 2 days. Roughly like this:
  • Research: 0-1 days
  • Framework + pictures: 0-1 days
  • Writing: 1 day

Why need to create a framework?

The draft does not matter if your item is shallow, so the direct path is completed. But the content needs to be weighted. Look at the article you are reading this, consisting of several sub-chapters and sub-chapters.

If all written at the same time, wah will be chaotic. Thus, the content framework aims to be a neat arrangement of your content so good to be listened by visitors.

In addition, the framework also aims to reduce errors. Moreover, not difficult ... as a picture
best quality content

About the length of the article

In 2012, Moz doing research on the content they publish on the blog.

This is the result: Content length tends to get more backlinks than shorter content. And this is the graph:
length of the article
Look, the longer the article the more link. While not always a guarantee, but it is an important point that you can consider.

Therefore, when choosing a topic, choose one that can be discussed at length. Not a short topic. Then cover up completely, if necessary, make a few chapters.

We already know that there is a huge potential behind a long article. Do not waste your energy to create a superficial article.

But why long article backlink much?

Actually, not because of its length, but because of the weight of the discussion.

Just think: If you could only read one article a day, choose which ... are covered in full, or modest?

Certainly complete. That's why long articles tend to be getting a lot of recommendations in the form of links. Not solely because of the length, but because of the weight.

There is another study from the SERPIQ to the average length of content on the first page of Google. This is the result:
Page 1 was filled by article 2000 to 2500 words.

Increase the chances of content to get backlinks

There's more besides length. There are several factors that would increase or even reduce the chances of your content to get backlinks. These things you should avoid:
  1. Elements of product sales
  2. Affiliate links
  3. Ads that too much
  4. Spelling mistakes and grammatical mess
  5. Design mess
  6.  Much ado
  7.  The format is not easy to read
STEPPS still remember that?
S first, Social Currency, meaning we as humans tend to share in something that makes our own pride. If your content contains 7 of these things, it is a disgrace.

Instead, the following actually increase your chances:
  1. Photo / original image. Minimal screenshot or graphics
  2. References to articles or other trusted website
  3. Have data
  4. Links to websites linker
I want to emphasize the fourth point ... There was the Law of Reciprocity.
A person will be more likely to do something positive for us when we do positive things prior to them. Take advantage of the Law of Reciprocity in content for obtaining backlinks.
Therefore I advise you to put a link to your website belonging to the linker first before hoping to get backlinks.

Step 5 - Perform content distribution to the linker

In this phase we will tell the whereabouts of our content to the linker.

Warning: Do not ever do this step if you do not have content that meets all the criteria that have been mentioned.

I describe briefly again ... your content must:
  •     Topics meet one Stepps
  •     In the same field with a linker
  •     Have the best quality compared to other content
If not, do not do this step because it will have a negative impact on the reputation of your own. Okay, there are 2 different content distribution destination:
  1.     Get a share (to social media)
  2.     Getting backlinks
Different goals, different ways done. Normally, we want to get backlinks. Definitely. But that does not mean we can ignore the share to social media.

Although the share to social media does not affect SEO, but your content will be seen by many people. These people will likely be a linker.

So, share to social media can be a backlink indirectly. Before entering the main stage, there is a good idea to try to get the attention of the linker first by:
  1. Follow the Twitter account / her Facebook,
  2. Share content
  3. Leave a comment on his blog (not spam)
After that, we introduce our content in the following ways:

1. Ask for input from the linker via email / social media

The concept is like this ... so that the linker will recommend your content, then they should know where your content.

So we tell them. But if you immediately sent an email saying "Pak post a link to my article dong!", Must be rejected. Definitely, 100%.

Therefore we need a reason. The reason that they want to open and read your content. Namely to seek their input.

For example, you create an article stubs "21 benefits of citrus fruits". Ask the linker to contribute in the article by giving one benefit.

Then enter the input of them in the article. Once published, tell them again when the article has been published. Then they will recommend your article.

2. Post to community sites and social media right

Community site is the best place to distribute content because it is automatically there are a lot of people who are ready to read your content.

Community sites and social media is the source of all things become viral. If you have good content, use of social media to distribute.

But remember, do not spam, and do not post to the community that the topic is not appropriate. You will not get any benefit.

3. Do 13 means the promotion of this content

I've made a special guide for promoting content (coming soon). hirteenth in this way will make your content gets a surge in traffic to more than 2X.

Ready to be superior?

Forget submit submit backlink technique that takes a lot of time and high risk. Now it's time to switch to seed content.

How to Analyze for Maximizing SEO Performance

analyze seo performance
Many people assume that SEO work performed only one time during the life of the website, it's not true. EO is an ongoing process. A website owner should continue to observe their performance at their website while making efforts to maximize SEO.

But today we are in a condition not know anything. To be able to perform optimization, you should know what is happening on your website. Like what point that arises, whether there is an increase or decrease in performance. Without knowing the relevant points, we did not know what needs to be addressed and what is good.

Therefore, follow these guidelines so that you can always get maximum SEO performance.

Things that you should already know and do

Because the assessment is the last process in SEO, you must have previously done this:
  1. On-page SEO : Optimization of web pages
  2. Keyword research : analyzing competition 
  3. Principles of marketing content in SEO
  4. Off-page SEO : Build links and popularity
  5. Link Building
(3 guidelines above are previous chapters in this SEO guide series)
 Afterwards, you are ready for the first step to analyze the performance of seo that you have implemented.

1. Integrate Search Console and Google Analytics

Although many people say the tool is not mandatory, but for a serious SEO practitioner you should use both.

Click here for how to install Google Analytics. After installed, go to the Search Console and add your website.

Not going to happen in a short time. Both of these tools require a few days after the new will be installed for collecting data. These data will be used to further optimize. If your website has a sitemap in fomat .xml, did submit to the Search Console now to facilitate Google to read your site.

2. Do crawling with tools

Crawling is the process undertaken by the search engines to crawl web pages while collecting information.

We will imitate this process. The goal is to know the big picture of your website. if an error occurs, if there are broken links, internal duplicate, and meta tags are empty. Use one of the 3 this tool:
  1. Screaming Frog SEO Spider
  2. WildShark SEO Spider
  3. BeamUsUp Crawling SEO Software
Its Screaming Frog is the most complete, but the free version can only scan to 500 pages in one pass. While the premium version $ 99 per year.

Two other alternative but equivalent 100% free. Log in to one of the links above and download the software, then do a scan and fix what is wrong.

Some repair process with Screaming Frog discussed in : SEO techniques guide (coming soon). Because all three look like, you can apply the earlier guidelines for any tools.

3. Research the keywords further

In this SEO guide series has been briefly discussed research related keywords that will be used in:
  • Title
  • Meta description
  • Content
But if you really intend to make the search engines as the main source of traffic, do keyword research further.

How to conduct keyword research discussed here (coming soon).

If you follow the above guidelines until the end, you will also find a way to assess the performance of keywords.

4. Analysis of the performance of content

80% (or more) of a page on your website is the content. So the effect on SEO content is at least 80% of all the things you are doing.

Humans love to get a satisfactory content, so the search engines will give good ratings to the content satisfactory.

Read this guide to perform content analysis with Google Analytics (coming soon).

Done !!!

The last chapter in the guide SEO is quite short because each step in assessing the performance of SEO has been addressed specifically in the guidelines of each.

If you follow these guidelines from the beginning, which means now you've mastered the basics of SEO. All you have to do now is apply the knowledge you have learned, and then when you've got the data into performance analysis proceed as above.

SEO Guide Series - for Beginner (7 chapter)

Table of Content

14 Techniques to Build Quality Backlinks to Improve Rankings and Get More Traffic

link building
Link building is the way to get backlinks from other websites towards your website.

If you want to get a lot of visitors, then you should occupy the top positions in the search results. In order to get a good ranking then you need backlinks. This is because backlinks is one of the major factors in SEO.

But it is not that easy ...
Currently Google (and other search engines) to be very strict in the selection of backlinks.

So not all backlinks can provide positive effects for your website. Backlink obtained at random will provide positive benefits, even in the long term can be dangerous. 2 Remember this concept:

Natural and Qualified.

Both of these factors will determine the effect of the foundation that you build backlinks. To get a backlink like this you need a special technique. Technique is what you will learn now.

Big changes in link building

I understand, you are definitely eager to learn the techniques of link building in order to get as many links.

…Wait a minute. You should read the concept if you do not want your website traffic as shown below:
seo tips
This website penalty from Google. That's why the number of visitors dropped dramatically. The cause: backlink.

Backlink it could have an impact not only positive but also negative. Unfortunately, the techniques of link building that you see through forums, social media, blogs, and even used it most of the SEO services that impact is bad. The term black hat.

Why so?
Because Google had not been smart in assessing the quality of backlinks. As a result, people used to find backlinks as much as possible in a way that is actually prohibited. Before the year 2012, this method can still be used.

Now it is not so. Google is now smarter in assessing the backlink. That is, if you are using a technique that is prohibited, then the risk of a VERY large penalty. That's why you should be careful.
Because the articles from the era of 2012 to the rear is still there on the internet, then you will often find the black hat techniques are taught everywhere. Even in the course!

So many beginner trapped.
For information, the following are categorized as blackhat. link building techniques do not do this:
  • Private blog network
  • Redirect 301
  • Guest blog in bulk at low quality websites
  • Submit articles to directories & Press Release
  • Web 2.0 which contains only 1-2 post
  • Buy backlink (backlink services)
  • Linkwheel, pyramid, and tiered link
  • Spam in forums
  • Spam blog comments
  • Submit to social bookmarking en masse
Confused? Do not worry. You do not need to understand the terms above now.

The point later on when you see these terms, you understand that everything is categorized as a black hat. Who do not believe, this quote from Matt Cutts:
If your primary link building strategy is to leave comments all over the web, to the degree that you have a huge fraction of your link portfolio comments, and no real people linking to you, then at some point that can be considered a link scheme. At a very high level we reserve the right to take action on any sort of deceptive or manipulative link schemes that we consider to be distorting or rankings.

Such as what is right?

Still remember the concept that? Link must be natural and good quality. Natural meaning given voluntarily or with the permission of the owner of another website. Not the result of automatic spam or submit. Qualified means derived from an active website and a good reputation. Imagine it like this:
  • You have a website and quality content
  • You tell this content to others
  • They recommend your content via the website
See the difference.
In this scheme, the other website owner recommend your articles on their will because they feel your content worth.

That is done by all the major websites in the world. That is what will be able to improve the ranking of your website ... and that's what you will learn now.

May be you ask : "Backlink natural, very difficult huh?"

It's true ... if compared to the blackhat. Hence, with the correct technique we could not get a lot of backlinks as well.
But you try to think about it. Which one do you choose:
  • Bit backlinks, ranking rose quickly, without risk
  • Many backlinks, ranking rose slowly, high risk 
Choose 1 (white hat) or 2 (blackhat)?

For people who want to build a serious business for the long term, the number 1 choice would have been much more interesting.

Moreover we just need a backlink. For easy competition to medium, usually only need ONE backlink with the method below to reach the first page. One backlink to rank one page!

14 Strategies to get quality backlinks

As already mentioned earlier: Getting a backlink like this a little more difficult, but you do not need a lot, and your website will be 100% safe from the risk of penalty.

Remember, under this strategy does not directly generate backlinks instantly, unlike writing a blog comment or spam the forum.

There are preparations you have to do before. But the benefits are great when successfully done.

1. Create quality content as a foundation

All SEO practitioners would agree, it was impossible to get quality backlinks without having quality content.

Back to the concept: Backlink that recommendation.

Logically, there will be people who will recommend great content. come on, why also share bad content. Yes, right?

Not only that ... Google can judge whether or not the quality of your content. Yes, even though Google just a machine. Assessing the quality of the content easy. For example, one of the characteristics of quality content: do not read long by visitors.

See for yourself in Google, it is impossible there is an article that is not qualified on page 1 (except if it all was not qualified). That is why content is the foundation of link building.

The core is:
  • Quality content can enter with little backlink page 1
  • Content quality is not impossible, though backlinknya many
Simple as that. 13 link building techniques below also need quality content. Then you have to have, at least 1 content.

What is the point of quality content ?. Briefly, characteristics like this:
  1. The contents much better than other similar content
  2. The topic demand by certain circles who are enthusiastic
  3. Completely resolve the problem faced by many people
  4. Served with attractive so easily enjoyed
Please learn 2 dibahah this article as a guide to create quality content.
Now, take 3-7 days to make one quality content. Serious! Continue down if you feel you've got at least 1.

2. "Request" to other website owners

Ridiculous, right? "Where there are people who want to give backlink ??". Surely we would not directly ask for granted.

First, you should understand that voluntary backlinks from other websites active is the best kind of backlink. 1 backlink course, ranking immediately skyrocketed.

But they will not give you a backlink to you that the content is not qualified. So, the first key is the quality of the content.

Now ... try to select any of the content that has been created. Think, "Is there anyone willing to recommend about this content?". "What if you meet like this content on Facebook or Twitter, would you read it?"

Second, there are two reasons a website owner recommend the article:
  1. Extraordinary contents (we discussed earlier)
  2. They know who you are
The second reason this is very important.

It has been proven scientifically. If people who need help it is people we know, we will tend to be more willing to help. That is why we must begin to establish good relationships. Stages as follows:
  1. Find some website owners in the same topic / like you. Ideally, the target website more popular and we have actively managed.
  2. Find the contact and social networking accounts.
  3. Please comment quality every time there is a new article, tweet and share their article, try starting a conversation through social media, post links to their content.
  4. Chat, start getting up a good relationship with them.
The most important thing is in the third stage.
Remember, we will be in a relationship with someone who is more successful. Most likely they will ignore you are a nobody. Unless we have done well in advance to them.

That's right, right? If you want to get a friend, then both parties must be equally benefited. Not only you bother them.
Relationships with successful people is the fastest way to success. And the fastest way to build relationships with other people is by helping them first.
This technique is simple, but the benefits for long-term outstanding.

3. Broken link building

These advanced techniques of point # 2.
Essentially the same, we ask others to give the link. But thanks to one extra trick, so the chances of success increase dramatically.

Before further, first understanding: Broken link means a link from a web page to another website that is already dead. When clicked, the page no longer exists. Because the domain expired, one writes, the article is removed, or any other reason.

Well, the broken link building, we will look for broken links from other websites. Then we will help them repair the broken link by providing our website as an alternative.

For example: A website had an article "how to lose weight".

In the article there is a link to another site article about "healthy diet". Unfortunately, these links can not be accessed because of broken links. We can use, How?

Create one article topic is the same as the earlier article in broken links. Make sure your article is better than the original article.

To check the contents of a broken link, use the Wayback Machine.

Then contact the owner of the website before, be informed that there are no broken links on that page and offer your content instead. Because of our good intentions, then the chances of success are high.

On the following pages you will learn the bonus two related things broken link building:
  1. An easy way to find websites that had broken link
  2. Example email to contact the website owner
Link building specials guide : Click here to learn how to find a broken link along with email templates that you can use, plus 6 other link building techniques. (coming soon)

4. Resource link building

When the streets of the internet, you've seen a model like this article: "5 best fashion blog", "7 travel bloggers Japan", "10 games outbound in Bali", and the like.

Most likely there are already plenty of bloggers who wrote a similar article on the same topic as your website or business. These articles are already accommodates a lot of links to other websites, 1 adding the link again it should not matter. Instead they will be grateful that you add to their collection.

Do this to get backlinks: Contact the website owner if the category your site fits with the article. Inform you that you have a blog that is similar, then ask them to look at, examine, and add your website to the list.

Give a brief explanation if it is required to facilitate their work. More on building a resource link in the guide 14 SEO technique (coming coon).

5. Check competitor backlink strategy

Is a favorite of many practitioners of SEO techniques. By knowing the competitor backlink website, we can get more quality backlinks. You can see the backlink your competitor to use the service:
From the tool above, you will get a list of backlinks that are owned by a website. Usually there are a few backlinks that you can emulate.

Suppose the results shown were from a blog, website, or a particular forum, you can also participate or try to get a link on the same website.

This technique has huge potential. You previously "blind" now you know why the other websites can be successful. ut be careful with the type of link spam, avoid low quality website if you do not want to get risk.

6. Website directories are clean of spam

Be careful, the website could have negative consequences in the form of a directory. There is a website directory you should avoid.

Characteristics: Directory ugly topic is too diverse, without selection acceptance, no visitor activity, and most of the websites listed there also unclear quality.

At first glance we can know the directory ugly. Conversely, a good directory is a directory moderated by tight so that the website listed there also qualified and have appropriate topics.

If you find such a directory, list your website. Usually a good directory is the business directory. You have a business website, this is the easiest way to get backlinks passable quality.

Again, remember: Do not submit websites to directories whose reputation is not clear.

7. Guest blogging to get traffic

It's the best and easiest ways to get traffic to a new website and to improve rankings in Google. So whenever anyone asked about backlinks / traffic, I always recommend guest blogging.

The reason: While still new, there is no one person who knows where your website. Even if you make 100 articles on its own website, still deserted.

There is one rule of successful marketing: go to a crowded place.

In other words, a website that has a lot of visitors. After doing guest blogging, the visitors of the website will recognize your website. They will be the visitors on your website. See the results for yourself:
Tinged yellow is the result of a 1x guest blogging. 1 post, 600 visitors in one day!

Not only that: From a guest blogging, we get quality backlinks. Website ranking so we will go straight up.

And delish, the technique is equally beneficial to both parties. That is why many bloggers who accept guest post, provided that quality article.

But be careful: Not all guest post positive impact.
In late 2014 Google said link any guest post from the blog can lead to a penalty.

Especially when coming from websites created just to accommodate guest post. Or a website that sells guest post. Guest post like this is forbidden:
guest blogging
They sell service guest post. Because Google does not allow the use of paid links like this, then you will have the potential penalty. Do not believe even though they say high quality.

On the contrary: If indeed his blog has a good reputation and you got a guest post with the permission of the owner of the blog without compensation, it does not matter. Not only the link, you will get a steady flow of visitors.

To search for websites that accept guest blogger with a specific topic, use this keyword to perform a search on Google (without the quotes):
  • "Topics" guest post
  • Guest blogger "Topics"
  • "Topics" guest blog
  • Guest post "Topics"
  • "Topic" write for us
For example: "guest blog business opportunity". fter the meet, contact the owner of the blog by email.

There also does not specify that they accept guest blog, it never hurts to contact the owner of the website even though they did not say anything about guest bloggers. To start, gather 5-10 websites with topics similar to you then ask them one by one.

The characteristics of a good website to guest blog :
  • Already quite old, more than 1 year
  • Topics are relevant to your website
  • Trafficnya high enough, can be checked on Alexa or SimilarWeb
  • Enthusiastic readers, can be seen from the comments or his social accounts
  • The design is not cluttered and the content weight
Backlink from guest blogging is very effective if it is from a reputable website.

8. Touching with ego bait content

This technique utilizes human nature. How to discuss the person / business / organization in the content we have created.

The hope they will realize the 'bait' of you, happy / proud, then promote your content on the website in the form of links and mentions in social media. There are several examples of the application of ego bait:
  • Creating a collection of website content in the form of a list, for example "20 best blogs in the world of health"
  • Create content list of the best articles on a topic
  • Discuss specifics about the success / story of a particular person in a single articl

9. Draws attention to the content link bait

As explained above, the ego bait means we provoke feelings (happy / proud) than others.

Link temple is somewhat different: Link temple means we create content in any form that is able to invite the attention of many people at once so that the potential gain backlinks so high. There are several forms of application of the temple link:
  • A controversial article which talks so more people
  • Interactive content that are useful or may make people entertained, such as calculators, game or quiz
  • The article is an explanation of a news or opinion that is popular
  • Contest
  • A comprehensive guide so that people will remember these guidelines whenever the topic is discussed
  • Presentation of data analysis or research results

10. Take advantage of content sharing platform

Social bookmarking is one of the content-sharing platform that is frequently targeted by a new website owner. But there are types of content sharing platforms such as:
Some websites above does nofollow nature ... they've got their own audience base, we could get a ride to direct traffic.

No loss at all, though it may not benefit directly, but SEO is a very effective medium to promote content. In addition to the form of links, you will get visitors.

Be careful, take advantage of this technique could be good or bad, depending on the response of others. If your item there received good response from the users for example in the form of comment, like, or share, then your link classified as a quality backlink, whereas if on the contrary, may even not be indexed.

Therefore do not spam, spam posting on these sites usually immediately sink because there will not be people who are interested. It's better to send 1 quality content than 1000 spam content.

11. Create a potentially viral content

If you are a creative person to create an image, video, or music, try to create the potential to become viral.

Popular content will have an explosion of visitors, the number of social media share to increase dramatically, and of course you will get a backlink.

Often 1 viral content is enough to create a website so popular. Infographics is one form of content more easily become viral than regular articles.

Make sure your website social media-friendly by using pictures / photos are interesting, install the key sharing, as well as using the Open Graph meta and Twitter cards.

12. Perform marketing forum, not a forum spamming

For a website owner who is obsessed in finding backlinks, usually used as a spam forum.

That's the wrong way. Forum is basically a container of people who want to learn. If any of the content you can help the learning process them, take advantage of this opportunity to promote a website.

In addition to getting backlinks and visitors, the reputation of your website will also be built.

Caution: This forum marketing, not a forum spamming. So do not promote your website directly. Do this:
  1. Find the appropriate forum with the main topic of your
  2. Create an account that is serious, complete the data including photo / avatar
  3. Answer any questions from forum members with a complete answer, for they do not need to read the answers from others
  4. Repeat for a few days until you are familiar with forum members
  5. After this then you can start once in a while put a website link
Many popular websites have been used to take advantage of forums and community sites while introducing new website. Because it is a forum where the promotion easiest. Nevertheless, do not let your site get the stigma of community sites because the impact will be felt permanently.

13. Get links from mention brand

This is the most effective technique to get backlinks from many website if you already have a "brand".

It's easy: Suppose you have a brand or website named "Tree Shirt".

Most likely the name of your website is already known by some people, and there are several websites that mention the name. This we call brand mention. But not active links. (can not be clicked), in other words, just as text.

We can contact them to convert the text into an active link, or backlinks.

The chances of success are very high ... they are already voluntarily discuss about your course content would not object to transform into a link.

Then, how to find a brand mention this? There are several tools:
With one of the four tools above, you can get an email every time someone mentions your brand on the internet.

14. Using SEO services, but ..

Why, instead I said before so did not buy links and do not use the services of a backlink?

Indeed, many who claim to be "SEO services" only sell backlinks. The severity of these backlinks are of poor quality and obtained by spam.

This fact:
All sellers backlink aware that the links they potentially carry the risk of penalty. But they will not tell you the risks because it would reduce their sales.

So be careful with services that provide much backlink backlink at once is not natural.

But there is also a serious SEO services ...
SEO services are usually not sell dozens, hundreds, or thousands of backlinks but thorough optimization ranging from marketing and online publications, content creation, and optimization of the structure of the page.

In another word, dont choose SEO service. but Inbound Marketing or Content Marketing.

They do not give you a backlink, but make your website ready to receive backlinks. Even more than that (because it includes marketing).
Tips: If your website is a pure form of blogs, SEO services is not needed. Who require such services is usually ecommerce, web sales of products / services, startup, and web-based applications.

Ensuring quality backlink

Now you already know the basics of installing and getting backlinks. But still there are many derivative techniques that are not specifically mentioned.

If you find other methods that are not written, you should do first is to ensure quality. This is the backlink quality indicators:
  1. Relevance to the topic of your website
  2. The reputation of the website where the backlinks are installed
  3. The nature of visitors to the website, whether active or passive
  4. The website penalized or not and whether there is the potential penalty
  5. The similarity of the language used
In addition to five of these things, avoid installation of a backlink on a website if:
  1. Website owners invite directly link exchange
  2. Must pay
  3. There is prohibited content category (for example pornography)
  4. Direct links appear automatically without selection (for directory)
The last chapter, consider the following tips to ensure the quality of backlinks you get up:
  1. Build links to articles / content, rather homepage
  2. Use anchor ranging from website name, keyword, common phrases ("click here", "this website", etc.), and without anchor
  3. Use quality content to guest blog and content sharing platform
  4. Diversify types of websites, do not focus on one website or one type of website

Nsxt : Chapter 7

Assess The Performance SEO

Are you already successful SEO? Or even failed? What can still be improved? Or has a maximum? To answer all these questions, you need to assess the performance of SEO.

Off-Page SEO - Link Building and Popularity

off page seo
Off-page SEO is the efforts of search engine optimization of external websites.

Optimizing of the website, or on-page SEO alone is often not enough to get a high ranking in the search results. Especially for new websites that do not have an audience, unless competition is the key word quite low.

Why backlink so important ?

To understand the importance of off-page SEO, I will explain a little about the relationship between search engines and links.

Search engines like Google have a duty to conduct bot crawling the Internet. Google's name is Googlebot crawler, Googlebot move from website to website via the links listed on every page of the website. From the data gathered by Googlebot, composed index and rank order website.

Because Googlebot uses links as navigation, the website that has a link from the outside will get a high priority. The more and the higher the quality of the link, the better the ranking of the website.

This is why links from other websites (backlinks) plays an important role in SEO.

Link building strategy is wrong

Off-page SEO has a dark side in them.

There are those who want to raise the ranking of the website but are too lazy to create quality content and marketing, instead they rely on link building.

Link building is supporting the website's content, without having good content, you should not do link building. Because besides useless, the result could be a penalty from Google.

Good link building process is always associated with content marketing. Not through spamming and use of bots or software automation.

There are several forms of backlinks that are not preferred by search engines because it is often misused. Here are some of them:
  1. Exchanging links. Way that is very popular in the mid to late 2000s, exchanging links directly does not provide positive benefits again.
  2. Buying link and use the services of backlinks. Buying links is indeed the possibility to raise the ranking quickly but usually will not last long because you will be exposed to penalties from Google.
  3. Comments on blogs and forums. The links that you get from the comments on the blog do not provide great benefits, as well as forums. But they often become land spam.
  4. Auto-approve link. All forms the link that is not through the moderation of the website owner. That is the direct link appears when inserting your website address.
  5. Using bot software. There are several software / tool which can be used to get links automatically, but the link you get low quality and can actually damage the website.
  6. Private Blog Network. That is a collection of blogs that are owned by one person only functioned as a field backlink to their main website. Google actively penalize blog network like this.
  7. Spam. In any form, spamming technique will not give a positive benefit to you.
Links are obtained by the above methods is usually low quality. The maximum result you can get is ranked high in the short term, then penalized by Google.

Therefore it is better to avoid this kind of technique.
As with on-page SEO, quality is very influential. Even off-page SEO is more sensitive to quality.

That is like this.
Although you have a website and content is good, if you do off-page optimization techniques that violated as above then you will not escape punishment.

Because of the importance of link building, then further guidance to get quality links will be discussed in the next chapter.

The relationship between content and backlink

Content = onpage, backlink = off-page. Is there a relationship between the content and backlink?. Very there. Here is an excerpt from Bing.
" If the value that you have worked so hard to instill in your site is evident to them, they will assist their own customers by linking back to your site. That, my friend, is the essence of link building.
To provide value, then you have to have quality content. To demonstrate this value to others, you have to do marketing content. So content marketing is the "source" main backlink for you.

Social media and off-page SEO

build popularity
The effect of social media on SEO is a debate that has not ended. Some people said that influential, some say only Google+ influential, the rest say absolutely no effect.

So actually important is social media marketing? Important.

Although there is nothing to do with SEO. Social media is one of the best ways to introduce your website to the crowd.

As discussed above, in addition to having quality content you also have to show the content to others. That is why social media is the right place for this. When others see your content, and are interested, they may be returned recommend you to others to share, like, and so on.

This is why you need to be active in social media to market your website. The use of social media as a marketing tool is described in the following articles: 13 Techniques promotional content (coming soon)

Off-page ranking factors SEO

Off-page SEO is a game of the popularity of the website. In determining the popularity of a website, Google uses a variety of factors.

We already know that backlinks are a major factor in off-page SEO. But not just any backlink a positive impact. Here is a determining factor of the outside website rankings.

1. Quality backlinks

Quality backlink provide a much more powerful effect than that is not qualified. But what determines the quality of a backlink?
  • Reputation website
  • Liveliness website
  • Similarity topics
  • The placement of backlink website
  • DoFollow and nofollow
  • The similarity of language
  • Age backlink
Regarding the placement, which has the best quality backlinks are placed in the text. The term contextual links. This is because Google to read what was in the text surrounding the link and decided in the context of what the link is installed. As a result, your website will get points for these keywords.

2. Anchor text in backlinks

Anchor text used in the link is read by the search engines as keywords. Website you get extra points in the text that is used as an anchor.

However, using the same anchor repeatedly will not have a positive impact. You need to know if the first page there are two links to your website and both have a different anchor, then Google use the first anchor.

3. Number of backlinks

The more backlinks you get, the better. But not only that.

Quantity should be in line with the quality. If you only get backlinks from websites that do not have a reputation, it is not counted as a positive factor.

4. Variants backlink

There are several types of backlinks, one of them mentioned earlier that contextual links. In addition there was more like blog comments, profile, bio, widgets, advertorials, directory, etc.. Too much use of one type of backlink will not give optimal effect.

Logically, if we get backlinks naturally the type of backlink will vary. This is why search engines use diversity as a factor.

5. Social Reputation

Google can understand the sentiment within each comment. This means that every time your website appeared later appeared negative comments from others, it will be bad.

Similarly, contrary to the positive sentiment which had a positive impact.

6. Social activities

Websites that are active in social websites such as social media and social networking means popular.

Social activity of a website can be viewed either by measuring devices such as the number of shares to social networking. But remember the positive and negative sentiment.

7. Personal factors users

Since implementing Google personalized search, the search results in the same keyword can be different for each Google account. This is influenced by several factors such as:
  • Ever whether or not a user visits a website
  • The level of satisfaction of users of a website
  • Country and language
  • Is a website ever shared by friends
You should know that the search engine has never issued an official list of the factors that affect the ranking, because it factors above is obtained empirically. The next chapter discusses more about the backlink.

Next : Chapter 6

Link Building

One off-page optimization is a strategy to get links from other websites to the website, the term backlink. In this chapter 10 link building techniques that you can do to improve the ranking of a website.

Table of Content

Content Marketing for Main Factors of SEO Strategy

content strategy seo
In this guide you will learn the most important part of any SEO strategy: Content Marketing.

SEO and content marketing today as two sides of a coin. If in the past, mistakes that often occur a content marketer does not pay attention to SEO. Similarly an SEO practitioner, do not pay attention to the content.

Both parties are equally considered useless. As a result, the website development process is not running optimally.

Appropriate marketing content strategy and assisted search engine optimization is the key to the success of your website and online business. In fact, almost all forms of online marketing who rely on SEO will depend on the content.

After reading this guide, you - as an SEO practitioner - will have a mindset as a content marketer ... and vice versa.

What is that content marketing?

Content marketing is the marketing efforts done by providing useful content to others in order for them to know your business.

This marketing technique is very popular, we can see a very rapid development in this graph:
Content Marketing guide

Want to learn content marketing?

Guide that will read in these pages only to discuss the linkage between content marketing and SEO. If you want to learn about the basics and application of marketing content, please click here (coming son).
Although the new terminology known in 2011-2012, but the practice has been done long ago. Examples of its application:

A fitness supplement products publish content that contains a pattern of exercise and diet for muscle development. Thus people searching for information on the content was going to come to the website selling the product supplements.

From here you can see a bit to do. A content marketer requires knowledge of SEO so that its content can get good rankings in search engines ... because Google is the biggest source of traffic.

And what about the reverse?...

Modern SEO is content marketing + SEO

Since ancient times, people who are enthusiastic about the SEO is always trying to find bugs how the website can get high rankings in Google.

Whether it's by playing keywords, backlinks, and social signals. (will be discussed in the next chapter

But the key to SEO, for now and in the future, we can dismantle a way to see what is actually all parties in it wanted.

There are three parties in SEO: users, websites, and Google. This is what we all want:
Content Marketing seo
Users want to get the best information as quickly as possible. To satisfy users, Google will put the best information at the top. Thus, to get the top position you have to do is provide the best information.

That's why the role of the most important content. Good content = high quality information. To be able to create the best content, the SEO practitioner must learn content marketing.

So, we can conclude that in the digital marketing SEO and Content Marketing position interconnected.
digital marketing

So what to do? 

By realizing an important role in SEO content, then surely you after this will focus on content creation and publishing of content.

Be careful .. This could be a big mistake. Not all good content for SEO. If made at random, will not produce any.

Humans do not want to read a lot of content that does not make sense, so it is with Google. Therefore note the following rules:

1. Always prioritizing the quality of content

No one wants to read the content of low quality, Google would not want to put low quality content in the top position. (Unless there is no other content altogether)

So do not create low quality content, more and more low-quality content on your site, the lower the overall quality of your website.

What is the quality content? How to make it ?. Here are some articles that can help you:

2. The quantity of content is not too important

Quantity is almost always inversely proportional to quality. Unless you have a lot of professional writers. The more frequently you publish the content, the more difficult to maintain quality.

Content is important but do not just create content because you want to have the content. Make sure what is covered in your content is not the same as belonging to another website, and make sure your content is higher in value.

3. Google rank pages, not websites

They do not care whether your site has 1000 pages, or only one, who get the best position only the best content.

The number of pages has no effect. Additionally, if you have many pages that target a particular keyword it means you will compete with yourself.

In general, Google only displays one page of one website. So, better make one content with the highest quality possible rather than making 2 different content to the exact same topic.

4. quality content alone is not enough

Although the content holding the largest share, but Google is a robot. Google can determine whether the article is relevant to what they want but they can not directly read the article to determine its quality.

Therefore they need the outside factor: satisfaction reader.

By being aware of this, then what you should do after publishing in leading content to tell the existence of the others.

How to promote the content explained further in this guide. (coming soon

5. Keyword

Content marketers often forget with keywords. Though keyword plays an important role in SEO.

The use of keywords in the article can change a content into a blunt sword, sword, or a double-edged sword. There are 4 major errors in the use of keywords to content:
  1. Keyword stuffing - using the same keywords over and over again in one page, the hope that Google considers relevant content with keywords. Whereas fatal.
  2. General keywords - targeting keywords that are too general or broad regardless of the search intent (cooming soon.
  3. Without keywords - if you already publish a lot of content, you will feel that the content targeting a specific keyword properly will receive a larger volume of visitors than those not targeted at all.
  4. Internal competition - 1 website generally only appear once on the search results page. If more than one content main keyword you are targeting the same, then you will be competition internal courtyard. Therefore diversify keyword for each page.

Exceptions: understand search intent

Not for all the Google search keywords will rank content such as articles, videos, or photos. There are exceptions.

For example: a user performs a search with the keywords "buy laptop". Approximately what results they expect?
  • Articles on how to buy a laptop
  • Video tips on buying laptops
  • The online store that sells laptops
100% want a third result. Google and other search engines too aware of this. Therefore for the keyword "buy laptop" highly improbable you can get a good ranking with the article.

So understand its intent keyword. If the searcher wants the content then Google will provide content. But if they want to buy the product, then the product sales page is what will take precedence.

The next chapter will discuss the off-page SEO, the topic is discussed more and more about marketing and its relationship with SEO.

Next : Chapter 5

Off-page SEO

If onpage SEO means optimizing on the web page, then off-page SEO means optimizing external websites. In other words, you will learn how to build the popularity of that other person and the search engines know your website.

Keyword Research and Competition Analysis

Keyword Research
What is it and what keyword research is the analysis of the competition?

Users searching on search engines using keywords or keyword, and the engine will provide results that are relevant to those keywords. With the help tool from Google, we can do the research to find keywords that are popular or that competition is low.

Urgency Keyword Research

In the early days of my career as a blogger, because do not understand about keyword research I create articles with topics that no seeker. I wonder, when the article was ranked 1st in the Google search results but why not get the traffic ?

As I understand about keyword research I realized that the key words that I seek no one is searching. So, keyword research is important so that we are not tired of making an article then eventually no one reads.

Then what is meant by analyzing the competition?
To blog or new website SEO her foundation has not been strong, there are times when we need to target the keyword competition is low so that we can still appear on the first page.
This chapter is only in the form of an introduction to keyword research and its relation to SEO, if you want to explore more on this topic please refer to the specific guidelines for keyword research.

Keyword research with Google Keyword Planner

My favorite tool in conducting keyword research is GKP or Google Keyword Planner. The reason is, because of its free and complete. In addition, because Google itself is certainly more accurate.
For keyword research is easy enough:
  1. Enter a keyword, you can enter more than one. To enter more than one keyword using comma or line break
  2. Set the target country
  3. Select a language
  4. Click 'get ideas'
Then you will be directed to the following page:
Competition Analysis
From here we can see that there are 1.900 people looking for the keywords SEO Guide in a month. On the other hand, the keyword "SEO Tips" 8.100 results are the average in a month, this means looking for SEO Tips more than a SEO Guide.

By leveraging our knowledge of on-page SEO from the previous chapter, we can optimize your pages using keywords SEO Tips than SEO Guide. As this is the basic core of the keyword research.

Searching for keywords with low competition

In doing keyword research, usually we as a new website owner targeting the lower competition. This is because the new website normally not have a strong foundation so that it will lose out when competing with large websites.

Please read this article to find a niche and non-competitive keywords (coming soon).

Long tail keywords

One more thing you need to know about keyword research is long tail keywords.

In addition to the keywords you are looking for, GKP also displays the number of searches of similar keywords. For example, from the image above, in addition to the keyword SEO Guide also nothing else like SEO Tips, Search engine optimization, seo basic, and others.

From here, if we optimize the website for the keyword SEO Guide, then there are only 1.900 per month search. But if we optimize for SEO Tips and Guide, the total quest is 1.900 + 8.100 = 10,000.

But of course the decision to come back to you and irrelevant whether or not your content with the existing long tail.

Lastly, if your website such as an online store (e-commerce) or monetized with affiliate products, long tail keywords usually provide a greater conversion rate than regular keywords. This is because people who use long tail usually afford higher intentions.

For example, people who search for "blue dress" to "buy blue shirt". The former is usually only want to search for information, while the second looks intention want to buy.

Next : Chapter 4

SEO and Content Marketing

Content marketing is often regarded as modern SEO. This is because most people who use the search engine intends to search for content. That's why to be successful in SEO you need to know the principles of content marketing.
Read Chapter 4

On Page SEO - Optimizing Pages and Content Website for Search Engine

Tips SEO
On-page SEO are the factors that determine whether or not your website is optimized for search engines seen from within its own website. That is, you will do the optimization within your own website.

Optimization of on-page search engine aims to find out whether your website is relevant to what is sought by the user and really who has the best quality.

Therefore, the key 2 things: relevant, quality. Without meeting them, it was impossible to get a 1 rankings in search engines.

In this chapter, we will learn in the parts anywhere in your website must apply on-page optimization as well as how to perform optimization.

The concept of on-page SEO

In SEO, the concept of on-page optimization is the MAIN thing you must understand.

Still no optimization category other than on-page (off-page, are discussed in the next chapter), but without applying the on page optimization it will be useless to you do the other strategies.

The core of on-page SEO, simple ... you will optimize the website so that:
  1. High useful for visitors
  2. Facilitate visitors in exploration
  3. Visitors feel comfortable
  4. The search engines understand the structure of your website
After reading these four points, you might ask : "I just optimizing for search engines, why instead focus to visitors?"

Answer, this ...
The search engine can determine whether visitors are satisfied or not with the pages they visit.

Imagine if you search for something on Google, then go to one website. It turns out it is not satisfactory. Most likely after a few seconds you will click the 'back' to look for another website. Yes, right? Because Google would want to display websites that satisfy users, then your website must satisfy the visitors.

Here's how :

Components of Optimal Website Pages

There are several factors affecting the website user satisfaction. We will discuss them one by one from each of the following categories:
  1. Content
  2. Keyword
  3. Title
  4. URL
  5. Meta description
  6. Media images
  7. Outbound link
  8. Internal link
  9. Social sharing
  10. Website speed

1. The content of the highest quality

If you notice, the content is a major component in a web page. That is, the content biggest role in the on-page optimization. Impossible to get a rating of 1 without a quality content.

... But, what is quality content? Here's characteristics:
  1. Provide the maximum benefit for visitors
  2. More prominent than other similar content
  3. Listened to in a long time by visitors
  4. Evoke feelings of awe, amusement, happy, etc.
  5. Solving the problems visitors
That's five criteria of quality content.
If you want to get first rank in search engine in the duration of time, then your content should meet five things. Without exception.

You should know also that Google openly say they oppose content:
  1. Content not weighted
  2. Do not provide value to readers
  3. Not original
  4. Makes the reader frustrated (because of low quality)
If your content fit into any of the categories above, it will be very difficult to get high rankings.

Worse, the content as it is at risk of a penalty!
Google and other search engines are actively updating its algorithm. Increasingly in the future, they will increasingly understand the quality of a piece of content. So, be careful in publishing content for your website.

2. Popular keywords and targeted

Think back to the last time when you use Google ... you write a few words as his keyword.

Google then displays the results related to the keyword earlier. The more relevant the keyword, the higher its ranking. So, optimizing a page means optimizing keywords.

Every page on your website should be optimized for at least one keyword. How ?

By including keywords in your pages. Precisely in the content, in the title and in the URL. Thus, search engines and visitors will immediately understand what the content of your pages. One more thing ...

You have to understand what the intent behind a keyword. For example someone does a search on Google with the keywords "buy iphone". Roughly what it means?

Does he want to buy an iPhone or she wants to read an article about how to buy an iPhone? Hmm ... it seems the former is more plausible.

Google is also familiar with this case. So Google will display a page that sells the iPhone. Therefore, it is impossible to get a high ranking if you provide articles on how to buy an iPhone.

3. The title page that invites clicks

Cara termudah untuk mengoptimasi judul yaitu dengan menyertakan keyword utama yang anda incar. Misalnya keyword “belajar SEO”, maka judulnya mengandung kata “belajar SEO”.

Tapi itu saja belum cukup … yang terpenting dalam judul bukan optimasi keyword, tapi optimasi terhadap ketertarikan manusia.

If the title you created is able to attract many visitors, then the ranking will go up. The logic is this:

Suppose there are two competing website, ranked 1 and 2.
Turns 2 ratings get more visitors than 1 rankings because of the title that he made more attractive, so much that click.
seo on page
Google wants to give priority to the best results, the website ranked 2nd will be raised to the first rank. Make sense?

Because the title is the first element of the most-read pages in the search results, then by optimizing the title can increase the number of clicks.

Read this guide to learn how to make an interesting title.

4. URL short and descriptive

Although the effect is not large, but the URLs that contain keywords can affect your website's ranking in search results. Here is an example of a URL that is not good. Avoid using a URL like this.
  • domain.com/?article=12
URL yang bagus selalu relevan dengan apa isi dari halaman tersebut. For examples :
  • Article about ‘recipe pancake’ > domain.com/receipe-pancake
  • Page produk ‘macbook pro’ > domain.com/laptop/macbook-pro/
  • Tips for "fitness" > domain.com/tips/fitness
Make the URL that describes the content, even better if it contains the main keyword.

5. Meta description descriptive and invite clicks

Meta description is 1-2 sentences that appear in search results. Meta description actually does not affect the ranking of your pages.

Moreover, it also does not always appear in the search results. Because Google is now more likely to use the phrase in the content as the page description.

Nevertheless, there is no harm in this section is optimized (Moreover, it does not take long)

With the meta description attractive, then it is likely other people to visit your website will be higher.

Like the earlier logic, the more clicks from people = better ranking.

6. High-quality images and optimum size

Imagine a web page that is 100% text contents, must be very boring. Therefore, images and other media is a plus.

Surprisingly, many people believe that harm the image ... not true. There is no harm in using multimedia in the content.

Except, if the amount is very much that it makes your website visitor's computer jammed. Or if it has nothing to do with the content. Some tips:
  1. Use images that relate and explain the content
  2. Use the right type of extension that the file size does not swell
  3. Make sure the resolution of the image as displayed
  4. Compress the image so that optimal
  5. Add the alt attribute when putting images

7. References to links to other websites

This point is particularly important for the new website.

Google, as an information center would want to provide content that is reliable. So that the information is not misleading many people. This is why large websites more easily enter the first page, because his reputation has been built since long.

Well, because your site is new, Google considers it not to be trusted. Because not credible, it will be more difficult to get high rankings.

Here was the reference links can help. Links to other websites are a great reputation and is relevant to make the reputation of your content better. The analogy like this:

Try to take one of the non-fiction book. In the book there must be a bibliography or footnotes. It contained excerpts from other sources of information. Books without quote other sources will be considered untrusted.

8. Internal link to facilitate navigation

There is a term whose name bounce. Bounce means that when someone breaks into your website, then he went out without doing anything. If the bounce rate of your site is high, it could be because:
  • The quality is disappointing
  • difficult to navigate
Remember again, disappointing website visitors will not be able to get high rankings. Bounce rate so that could be a factor that shows customer satisfaction.

One effort to reduce bounce rate is to install internal links (links between pages), so that visitors can easily visit other pages within your website.

Here's how to build website structure with the internal link structure.

9. Share Button to social media

Currently, Google does not consider the number of shares as a determining factor in Google's rankings, but it does not mean that social sharing is not important.

Quite the contrary. Social share has an indirect impact on the ranking of the website. It benefits from social share:
  1. Additional visitors
  2. Branding, your website will be known
  3. Factors increasing satisfaction high (if you can satisfy the website visitors who come)
  4. Some of the visitors will provide backlinks (discussed further in the next chapter)
Compared SEO, social media to build brand your website faster. This is what has an effect on SEO.

When your website is already known, then people will look for your website through Google because many are searching through Google, which means that the reputation of your website will be considered good by Google.

Therefore, the pairs share button on your website.

10. The speed of response and speed barriers

Faster website will get better rankings.

In an article written by Billy Hoffman in MOZ, explained that the websites that are in the top ranks have a shorter response time.
ranking website
Time to First Byte (TTFB) means the time it takes the website server until the user gets 1 byte first. Commonly called server response time.
Increased speed is not just for search engines. Visitors will also be more comfortable in a short loading time website. There are several things that affect the speed:
  1. Quality hosting
  2. Number .js and .css files in the <head>
  3. Page size that is too big to disturb visitors
  4. Pictures or other media is not optimal

You can test the speed of your website through the Google Page Speed Test. Immediately make repairs if the score is below 75.

Next : Chapter 3

Research Keywords

Keywords are the most important thing in SEO. All the people who do a search on search engines using keywords definitely. Therefore as an SEO practitioner you must be careful in finding and using the keywords into your website.
Chapter 3