
Content Marketing for Main Factors of SEO Strategy

content strategy seo
In this guide you will learn the most important part of any SEO strategy: Content Marketing.

SEO and content marketing today as two sides of a coin. If in the past, mistakes that often occur a content marketer does not pay attention to SEO. Similarly an SEO practitioner, do not pay attention to the content.

Both parties are equally considered useless. As a result, the website development process is not running optimally.

Appropriate marketing content strategy and assisted search engine optimization is the key to the success of your website and online business. In fact, almost all forms of online marketing who rely on SEO will depend on the content.

After reading this guide, you - as an SEO practitioner - will have a mindset as a content marketer ... and vice versa.

What is that content marketing?

Content marketing is the marketing efforts done by providing useful content to others in order for them to know your business.

This marketing technique is very popular, we can see a very rapid development in this graph:
Content Marketing guide

Want to learn content marketing?

Guide that will read in these pages only to discuss the linkage between content marketing and SEO. If you want to learn about the basics and application of marketing content, please click here (coming son).
Although the new terminology known in 2011-2012, but the practice has been done long ago. Examples of its application:

A fitness supplement products publish content that contains a pattern of exercise and diet for muscle development. Thus people searching for information on the content was going to come to the website selling the product supplements.

From here you can see a bit to do. A content marketer requires knowledge of SEO so that its content can get good rankings in search engines ... because Google is the biggest source of traffic.

And what about the reverse?...

Modern SEO is content marketing + SEO

Since ancient times, people who are enthusiastic about the SEO is always trying to find bugs how the website can get high rankings in Google.

Whether it's by playing keywords, backlinks, and social signals. (will be discussed in the next chapter

But the key to SEO, for now and in the future, we can dismantle a way to see what is actually all parties in it wanted.

There are three parties in SEO: users, websites, and Google. This is what we all want:
Content Marketing seo
Users want to get the best information as quickly as possible. To satisfy users, Google will put the best information at the top. Thus, to get the top position you have to do is provide the best information.

That's why the role of the most important content. Good content = high quality information. To be able to create the best content, the SEO practitioner must learn content marketing.

So, we can conclude that in the digital marketing SEO and Content Marketing position interconnected.
digital marketing

So what to do? 

By realizing an important role in SEO content, then surely you after this will focus on content creation and publishing of content.

Be careful .. This could be a big mistake. Not all good content for SEO. If made at random, will not produce any.

Humans do not want to read a lot of content that does not make sense, so it is with Google. Therefore note the following rules:

1. Always prioritizing the quality of content

No one wants to read the content of low quality, Google would not want to put low quality content in the top position. (Unless there is no other content altogether)

So do not create low quality content, more and more low-quality content on your site, the lower the overall quality of your website.

What is the quality content? How to make it ?. Here are some articles that can help you:

2. The quantity of content is not too important

Quantity is almost always inversely proportional to quality. Unless you have a lot of professional writers. The more frequently you publish the content, the more difficult to maintain quality.

Content is important but do not just create content because you want to have the content. Make sure what is covered in your content is not the same as belonging to another website, and make sure your content is higher in value.

3. Google rank pages, not websites

They do not care whether your site has 1000 pages, or only one, who get the best position only the best content.

The number of pages has no effect. Additionally, if you have many pages that target a particular keyword it means you will compete with yourself.

In general, Google only displays one page of one website. So, better make one content with the highest quality possible rather than making 2 different content to the exact same topic.

4. quality content alone is not enough

Although the content holding the largest share, but Google is a robot. Google can determine whether the article is relevant to what they want but they can not directly read the article to determine its quality.

Therefore they need the outside factor: satisfaction reader.

By being aware of this, then what you should do after publishing in leading content to tell the existence of the others.

How to promote the content explained further in this guide. (coming soon

5. Keyword

Content marketers often forget with keywords. Though keyword plays an important role in SEO.

The use of keywords in the article can change a content into a blunt sword, sword, or a double-edged sword. There are 4 major errors in the use of keywords to content:
  1. Keyword stuffing - using the same keywords over and over again in one page, the hope that Google considers relevant content with keywords. Whereas fatal.
  2. General keywords - targeting keywords that are too general or broad regardless of the search intent (cooming soon.
  3. Without keywords - if you already publish a lot of content, you will feel that the content targeting a specific keyword properly will receive a larger volume of visitors than those not targeted at all.
  4. Internal competition - 1 website generally only appear once on the search results page. If more than one content main keyword you are targeting the same, then you will be competition internal courtyard. Therefore diversify keyword for each page.

Exceptions: understand search intent

Not for all the Google search keywords will rank content such as articles, videos, or photos. There are exceptions.

For example: a user performs a search with the keywords "buy laptop". Approximately what results they expect?
  • Articles on how to buy a laptop
  • Video tips on buying laptops
  • The online store that sells laptops
100% want a third result. Google and other search engines too aware of this. Therefore for the keyword "buy laptop" highly improbable you can get a good ranking with the article.

So understand its intent keyword. If the searcher wants the content then Google will provide content. But if they want to buy the product, then the product sales page is what will take precedence.

The next chapter will discuss the off-page SEO, the topic is discussed more and more about marketing and its relationship with SEO.

Next : Chapter 5

Off-page SEO

If onpage SEO means optimizing on the web page, then off-page SEO means optimizing external websites. In other words, you will learn how to build the popularity of that other person and the search engines know your website.

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